新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电子竞技正在成为澳门这座城市的新标签


E-sport is becoming the new label of the city of macau

2018-06-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近年来,游戏厂商、赛事主办方越发意识到,将电竞落地更多城市对行业发展具有重大意义,腾讯电竞甚至提出“电竞运动城市发展计划”作为正式战略规划。在电竞地域化浪潮下,我们惊讶地发现,地处珠江三角洲西岸的澳门,正在电子竞技的领域里扮演越来越重要的角色。 电竞赛事接踵而至 6月19日-21日,2018王者荣耀冠军杯预选赛在澳门大学举行。该赛事经腾讯游戏官方授权,由VSPN主办、澳门电子竞技竞赛产业总会协办,邀请全球多个赛区战队参赛,是国内王者荣耀官方电竞体系中首个国际性赛事,预选优胜的队伍将获得8月前往北京参加王者荣耀冠军杯的资格,争夺100万美元的巨额奖金。 澳门届时将吸引全国、乃至全世界...

In recent years, the game industry, the tour increasingly realize that e-sports landing will more urban development is of great significance to the industry, tencent e-sports even proposed "e-sports sports city development plan" as a formal strategic planning. Under the e-sports localized wave, we were surprised to see macau, is located in the west bank of the pearl river delta, is the field of e-sports plays an increasingly important role. Tournament coming June 19-21, 2018 king glory champions league qualifier is held in the university of macau. The event is made by authorization of the tencent official game, sponsored by the VSPN and Macao electronic athletic competition industry association, invited more than global division team, is the domestic king glory e-sports first international competition in the system, the official primary winning team will get in Beijing in August to king glory champions league qualification, competing for the $1 million in bonuses. Macao will attract the country, and the world...

标签: 电子竞技