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80后才见过 《魔兽世界》60年代那些有趣的小玩意

Seen after 80 world of warcraft in the '60 s who interesting gadgets

2017-09-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在那个遥远的香草时代,对我们来说,艾泽拉斯的一切都是新奇的、未知的,我们踏着懵懂的脚步探索着这个奇幻世界,没有如今这么多的勾心斗角,也没有如今这么多的三六九等。 这一次,让我们来看一看那些60年代一些有趣的小玩意,可能没有什么高大上的属性,但却有些奇葩的效果,或许PVP里偶尔还能有些妙用,这才是60级的乐趣之一,也只有80后才见过这些“老古董”了。 丝瓜 绿色品质,没有属性。只有一个效果:移除一个流血效果。其他职业不一定需要,但是盗贼肯定会备一个,你肯定明白我在说什么。 灵巧秒表 绿色品质,没有属性,效果:使你的奔跑速度提高40%,持续10秒。冷却时间30分钟,虽然冷却时间很长...

In the distant era of vanilla, for us, everything in the world of azeroth are novel, unknown, we tread the innocent steps to explore the fantasy world, not intrigue against each other so much, now also have no now so many of the 369, etc. This time, let's take a look at those in the '60 s some interesting gadgets, may not have any tall properties, but the effect of some wonderful work, perhaps in PVP can occasionally some magical function, this is one of the joys of level 60, also is only seen after 80 the "old things". Luffa green quality, has no attributes. There is only one effect: remove a bleed effect. Other career don't need, but the thieves will prepare a, are you sure you understand what I'm talking about. Smart stopwatch Green quality, no property, effect: to improve your running speed by 40% and lasts 10 seconds. Cooling time 30 minutes, although the cooling time is very long...

标签: 魔兽世界