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QQ飞车手游全攻略 飞智手柄让你从萌新变车神

QQ fly driver visitors Fly handle make you from sprouting new lr

2018-01-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

萌新刚刚开始接触《QQ飞车手游》,除了对车属性的选择之外,还有对这各种技巧的掌握。鉴于目前游戏内大众可获得的车普遍为B级车,所以手法好就显得格外重要。 而在上手的初级阶段,一根手指要在一个小小的屏幕上控制至少漂移、小喷和氮气3个技能的来回点击,不仅失败率高,而且效率底下,浪费时间。 所以在这里推荐大家使用飞智Wee拉伸手柄进行游戏,作为拉伸手柄的首创者,不论是在手感和个性化设置上表现都非常优秀。 常用操作 一开始使用的时候不要去直接尝试太难的操作,以常用的基础操作为主来熟悉手柄的按键和节奏。 首先是双喷,长按A键漂移,摇杆左右控制漂移方向,往相反方向拉车头,松开摇杆和A键后,瞬...

Of new contact "QQ fly driver swim" has just started, in addition to the choice of properties on the car, and mastery of it skills. Given the current game available to the public car generally for class B, so the technique is especially important. And at the primary stage of overhand, a finger to control at least in a small screen drift, small click back and forth, and nitrogen injection three skills not only high failure rate, and efficiency, waste of time. So here recommend use fly wisdom tensile handle Wee game, as the creator of tensile handle, whether in shooting and personalized Settings are very good. A common operations began to use don't try too hard to operate directly, mainly operating the basis of common to become familiar with the handle of buttons and rhythm. First is double injection, long press A drift, rocker or so control direction of drift, toward the opposite direction to pull head, rocker and A release button, instantaneous...

标签: 手游