新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》来了一位“数学老师”


The king of glory has come a "math teacher"

2017-08-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

小学生哭着说,本想逃离数学作业打把《王者荣耀》,没想到却在游戏中遇到了数学老师。对很多小伙伴来说,学生时代的数学老师简直是神一样的存在,让人既崇敬又害怕。而在9月5日,《王者荣耀》将上线诸葛亮的新皮肤——黄金分割率。 官方这样描述这套皮肤:在设计中,严谨认真的他最爱穿着一身风衣,手拿三角板,帅气十足,并且在阳光下拿着钢笔批改试卷。黄金分割率,一连串的公式攻击让你畅游在学识的海洋! 技能动画里,我们让智商超群的诸葛亮出了一道数学题: 1技能使用锋利的立方体攻击, 2技能位移的设计中,圆形和三角体结合, 3技能则是猛烈的正方体攻击,被标记的召唤师可要小心咯! 穿上...

Elementary school students cried, wanted to escape math homework to play "the king of glory, have never thought met the math teacher is in the game. For a lot of friend, student's mathematics teacher is the existence of god, let a person both respect and fear. In September 5, the king of glory will launch zhuge liang's new skin - the golden ratio. Official described the skin: in the design, the rigorous seriously he loved was wearing a trench coat, triangle in hand, handsome and dye-in-the-wood, and holding a pen grading papers in the sun. The golden ratio, a series of formulas attack let you swim in the sea of knowledge. Skills in the animation, we let the IQ super zhuge liang out a math problem: 1, using sharp cube skills 2 skills in the design of the displacement, the circular and triangular body, 3 attack skill is fierce cube, the marked summoners be careful! Put on...

标签: 王者荣耀