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又见虚幻4手游 《上古世纪:起源》开启全球性封测

See also: "the unreal 4 Mobile Games archeage" on the origin of global open beta

2017-03-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由韩国Gamevil推出的《上古世纪》题材手机游戏《上古世纪起源》(原名:ArcheAge Begins)已于3月23日开启全球性封测。 据介绍,这款游戏由虚幻4引擎打造,玩家将能够在游戏中体验到《上古世纪》剧情的魅力,游戏也将以《上古世纪》原作2000年前的世界为背景。尽管手游版并不是一款MMORPG游戏,但是游戏中却包含了不少的MMO元素,例如多人PVP对战,领土争夺战,副本BOSS,制作以及交易等等。 本次测试将持续到3月30日,游戏目前仅开放了安卓版本,同时游戏为删档测试,最终的上线日期还未公布。

Launched by South Korea's Gamevil "mobile phone game" theme "of ancient century ancient century origin" (formerly known as ArcheAge Begins) has opened a global beta on March 23rd. According to introducing, this game is built by unreal 4 engine, the player will be able to experience the glamour of plot of "ancient times" in the game, the game will also be in "the ancient times" the background of the world before 2000. Although the tour version is not a MMORPG game, but the game contains a lot of MMO elements, such as multiplayer PVP, battle, territorial battle, copy, BOSS, production and trading, and so on. &nbsp:   this test will last until March 30th, the game is currently only open Android version, while the game is to delete files test, the final on-line date has not yet been announced.    

标签: 手游