新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迪瑞克斯DXRacer电竞椅请你今晚吃鸡 黄金大奖赛一起大吉大利

迪瑞克斯DXRacer电竞椅请你今晚吃鸡 黄金大奖赛一起大吉大利

Di ricks DXRacer e-sports chair you tonight to eat chicken prosperous golden grand prix

2018-06-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年年中,一句“大吉大利,今晚吃鸡”的横空出世,将《绝地求生》这款游戏推向了游戏的巅峰,随后各类射击类游戏也推出了战术竞技类的游戏选项,“吃鸡”这个词成为了当今最火热的名词,各大吃鸡比赛也相继举行。近日,由斗鱼直播主办、迪瑞克斯DXRacer赞助的绝地求生黄金大奖赛第四季也在火热进行中。 荣耀赛事,“吃鸡”玩家的终极目标 自6月6日正式开战以来,来自国内的16支顶尖战队在绝地荒岛上大展身手,其中分别举行了FPP(第一人称视角)和TPP(第三人称视角)模式的比赛。其中,FPP比赛赛制为两轮BO5,TPP为三轮BO5。值得一提的是,本届比赛面向腾讯认证的职业战队,此次赛事将打造一个...

In the middle of 2017, a "prosperous, tonight to eat chicken" was born, this game will survive the jedi to the pinnacle of the game, then all kinds of shooter games also introduced a tactical competitive class game options, the word "chicken" became today's hottest nouns, each big eat chicken game held one after another. Recently, sponsored by the live betta, di, sponsored DXRacer desperately golden grand prix, also in full swing in the fourth quarter. Glory, the ultimate goal of "chicken" players since June 6 formal war, 16 from domestic top teams perform on the jedi island, respectively the FPP (first-person perspective) and TPP (third person) model. Of FPP game format for two rounds BO5, TPP for three rounds of BO5. It is worth mentioning that the contest is open to tencent certification of professional team, the event will create a...

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