新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小趣闻:2D游戏《铲子骑士》其实是用3D引擎开发的


Funny news: The 2-D game "Knight of the Scraper" was actually developed with a 3-D engine.

2019-04-29 10:16:52来源: 游戏时光

由 Yacht Club Games 制作的《铲子骑士》自 2014 年发售以来就受到了无数玩家的好评。近日,一档游戏类节目《Boundary Break》为我们展示了《铲子骑士》的内部技术细节,原来这个 2D 平台动作类游戏居然是用 3D 引擎制作的。该节目的制作人 Shesez 通过 Yacht Club Games 提供的镜头控制功能,观察了《铲子骑士》在场景布局上的全貌。他惊奇的发现,《铲子骑士》的所有游戏场景都是由不同的人物、平台和背景层层堆叠而成,这种堆叠技术就像纸雕艺术一般十分奇妙。也就是说,尽管《铲子骑士》的游戏画面呈现出一种 8-Bit 的复古风格,但是实际上,这款游戏是用 ...

Knight of the Scraper, produced by Yacht Club Games, has been well received by countless players since its launch in 2014. Recently, a game show "Boundary Break" showed us the internal technical details of "The Scraper Knight", which originally used a 3D engine to make action games on the 2D platform. Shesez, the producer of the show, observed the overall layout of Scraper Knight through the lens control function provided by Yacht Club Games. He was amazed to find that all the scenes in Knight of the Scraper are stacked with different characters, platforms and backgrounds. This stacking technique is as wonderful as paper carving. That is to say, despite the 8-Bit retro style of the Scraper Knight game, in fact, the game is played with ____________.

标签: 游戏