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韩星金贤重入伍后发福 网友调侃:欧巴你怎么了

Korean star Kim Hyun Joong enlisted after fat friends ridicule: Obama. - how do you

2015-05-29 20:40:36来源: 中国新闻网

中新网5月29日电 据台湾“中国时报”消息,韩星金贤重因与前女友纠纷引发外界关注。然而事件还未得到解决,他就入伍参军。近日,其在军队总的照片曝光,不仅头发变成了平头,整个人也看起来发福不少,有网友调...

May 29, according to Taiwan's "China Times" news, Korean star Kim Hyun Joong and ex girlfriend dispute triggered concern. However, the incident has not been resolved, he enlisted to join the army. Recently, in the army photo exposure, not only the hair into a flat, the people also look a lot of fat, friends...