新关注 > 信息聚合 > 柯震东挥泪接受央视采访前女友力挺 曝房祖名吸毒..

柯震东挥泪接受央视采访前女友力挺 曝房祖名吸毒..

Ke Zhendong tearful CCTV interview ex girlfriend back exposure Jaycee Chan drug..

2014-08-19 22:01:52来源: 长江商报


in recent years, the entertainment star It is often seen. drug arrest. But the recent exposure of Ke Zhendong, Jaycee Chan is a drug or news caused a great disturbance in the entertainment circle. Ke Zhendong to be caught in the open interview news, former girlfriend Elva Hsiao support. According to "CCTV" news reports, Jaycee Chan drugs...