新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼社长将于六月正式退休 继续担任高级顾问

索尼社长将于六月正式退休 继续担任高级顾问

Sony president to officially retire in June to continue as senior Advisor

2019-03-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

索尼宣布平井一夫将于6月18日卸任会长一职正式退休,但在索尼管理团队的要求下,之后他将担任索尼的高级顾问。 平井一夫 2015年1月,在第66届艾美奖上,索尼总裁和CEO平井一夫因“成功经营索尼PlayStation业务”而获得了终身成就奖。

Sony announced that Hirai would retire as president on June 18, but at the request of Sony's management team, he would then serve as a senior adviser to Sony. Hirai January 2015, at the 66th Emmy Awards, Sony President and CEO Hirai won a lifetime achievement Award for "successfully running the Sony PlayStation business."

标签: 索尼