新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游阵法哪个好?最强阵法详解


The dream west travels mobile games strategies which good? The strongest Zhenfa detailed

2015-04-01 11:02:48来源: 安卓中文网

梦幻西游手游游戏中有很多阵法可以供玩家使用,目前游戏中有十大阵法,那么梦幻西游手游阵法哪个好呢?小编下面就给大家详细介绍一下这十大阵法。 【天覆阵】 梦幻西游手游阵法效果:全体成员增加伤害2%,减少速度2% 天覆阵相克信息: 克制3%:无阵、鸟翔阵、鹰啸阵 克制6%:地载...

Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games games there are many strategies can use for game player, currently has ten major strategies in the game, then the dream swims on the West Mobile Games Zhenfa which good? Small make up here we give details about these ten strategies. [day] covering array Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games Zhenfa effect: all members increases damage by 2%, reduce speed 2% days covering array information: 3% grams of restraint: non array, birds array, Eagle scream array restraint 6%: loading...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游