新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴西为暴力游戏立法 出借转让等行为都将入刑

巴西为暴力游戏立法 出借转让等行为都将入刑

Brazil will be sentenced for such acts as lending and transferring legislation for violent games

2019-04-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据外媒gamerant报道,近日有巴西议员起草了一项针对“暴力游戏”的新法案,该法案旨在完全禁止暴力游戏相关的行为,并将对违反者进行严厉处罚。 据介绍,该法案拟定对巴西的刑法进行修改,其中“开发、进口、出售、转让、出借、租赁暴力和犯罪游戏、应用程序”会被视为刑事犯罪,违者将被处以三至六个月的监禁和进行罚款。而如果这一“犯罪行为”在大众媒体或互联网上影响甚广,则惩罚可能会加重两倍。 而推行这项法案的理由,则是认为暴力游戏煽动青少年儿童产生不良意识,进而引发对社会的危害。 目前这项法案还在讨论阶段,尚未进行投票表决,所以要等它成为真正的法律还有很长一段路要走。但是,若这项法案一旦通过,那么对巴西游戏产业可能会带来毁灭性打击。

According to foreign media gamerant, Brazilian parliamentarians recently drafted a new bill on violent games, which aims to completely prohibit violent games related acts and impose severe penalties on violators. According to reports, the bill drafts amendments to Brazil's criminal law, in which "development, import, sale, transfer, lending, rental violence and criminal games, applications" will be considered criminal offences, violators will be sentenced to three to six months'imprisonment and fines. If this "crime" has a wide impact on the mass media or the Internet, the penalty may be doubled. The reason for this bill is that violent games incite children to have bad consciousness, which in turn causes harm to society. The bill is still under discussion and has not yet been voted on, so there is still a long way to go before it becomes a real law. However, if the bill is passed, it could have a devastating impact on the Brazilian game industry.

标签: 游戏