新关注 > 信息聚合 > 备受好评的RPG《地下传说》将于9月15日登陆Switch


Acclaimed RPG "underground legend" will be on September 15, land on the Switch

2018-08-01 13:49:21来源: 游戏时光

继去年登陆 PS4/PSV 平台后,官方在今天正式宣布《地下传说》将于2018年9月15日,即游戏发售三周年纪念日之际推出 Switch 版。其中数字版售价1620日元(含税),实体普通版售价4320日元(含税),实体收藏版则为9504日元(含税)。实体收藏版只能在 Fangamer Japan 上购买。《地下传说》是一款复古风格的角色扮演游戏,由主创 Toby Fox 独自完成,讲述了误入怪物世界的主人公在地下与富有个性的角色相遇后发生的幽默而充满意外的故事。本作最早在2015年9月15日在 PC&nb...

Following the last login & have spent PS4 / PSV  Platform, after the official today formally announced the "underground" will be on September 15, 2018 - game sale third anniversary of the launch & have spent Switch  Version. Digital edition at 1620 yen (tax included), entity normal version goes for 4320 yen (tax included), an entity collection for 9504 yen (tax included). Entity collection only in & have spent Fangamer Japan  On the purchase. The underground legend is a role-playing game style restoring ancient ways, by the creator & have spent Toby Fox  Alone, tells the story into a monster world hero in underground and rich individual character of the role of humor in the aftermath of the meet and story full of surprises. This first in September 15, 2015 in & have spent PC&nb...

标签: Switch