新关注 > 信息聚合 > 永州查处首例涉赌牌类网络游戏案


Yongzhou and the first class in brand network game

2018-07-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

查处现场。 日前,湖南省永州市文化市场综合执法局组织执法力量对中心城区牌类网络游戏进行集中清查,通过网络远程勘验,发现永州乐游娱乐科技有限公司运营的三款手机APP游戏平台中有二款游戏按照牌型比大小定输赢,并通过倍率扩大输赢,涉嫌运营含有宣扬赌博内容的网络游戏。 随后,该局迅速对该公司进行立案调查,并会同公安部门对其经营场所进行了现场突击检查,对其涉嫌运营宣扬赌博内容网络游戏的违法行为进一步固定了证据,确认了其违规事实,当天将违规网络游戏全部下架。 同时,该公司还存在游戏未经备案、未进行实名注册等违规问题,已责令其立即停止违规经营行为,并依法给予了相应行政处罚。

Investigate the scene. In hunan province, which has cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau organization law enforcement power to the central city brand class network game for centralized inventory, through the network remote inquest, found yongzhou le tour entertainment technology co., LTD., operating three phone APP game platform in two game type according to the card size than to win, and expands the winning or losing, through ratio of gambling operations with promoting content of online games. Subsequently, the agency to initiate an investigation, the company quickly and in conjunction with the ministry of public security on its premises raids on site, for its alleged content online game operations to promote gambling illegal behavior further fixed the evidence, confirmed that the illegal facts, illegal online games all at the same day. At the same time, the company also exist game recordation, not using the violations of the real-name registration, has ordered its immediately stop illegal business behavior, and give the corresponding administrative penalty in accordance with the law.

标签: 游戏