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联通合作伙伴大会召开 小沃发布“沃家云游”

Unicom Partners'Meeting Held Xiaowo Release "Wojiayun Tour"

2019-04-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月23日至25日,2019上海5G创新发展峰会暨中国联通全球产业链合作伙伴大会在上海世博中心隆重举行。本次大会以“联通5G,共见未来”为主题,政府高层、行业领袖以及逾三千名全球产业链合作伙伴莅临大会,数万人预约参观。 4月24日下午,作为大会21场主题论坛的重头戏---面向5G的数字内容运营论坛正式开场,数字内容领域的众多行业领军人物和专家学者共同探讨5G时代内容运营的新思路、新战略,描绘数字经济大发展大繁荣的壮丽画卷。 中国联通集团副总经理买彦州先生亲临致辞,买总表示,4G改变生活,5G改变社会,5G的应用将对人类的生产方式、生活方式及思维方式产生深刻的影响。中国联通对5G进行了深入...

From April 23 to 25, the Shanghai 5G Innovation and Development Summit and China Unicom Global Industry Chain Partnership Conference were held in Shanghai World Expo Center. The theme of the conference is "Unicom 5G, See the Future Together". Top government officials, industry leaders and more than 3,000 global industry chain partners attended the conference, and tens of thousands of people made appointments to visit. On the afternoon of April 24, as the main event of 21 thematic forums of the conference, the 5G-oriented Digital Content Operations Forum officially opened. Many industry leaders and experts and scholars in the field of digital content jointly discussed the new ideas and Strategies of content operation in the 5G era, and described the magnificent picture of the great development and prosperity of the digital economy. Mr. Mai Yanzhou, Vice General Manager of China Unicom Group, delivered a speech in person. Buy General said that 4G changed life, 5G changed society, and the application of 5G would have a profound impact on the mode of production, lifestyle and thinking of human beings. China Unicom has conducted in-depth research on 5G.