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《讨鬼传》免费手游公布 包含道具课金年内推出

"Seek ghost Biography" free hand travel publication contains lesson gold props launched during the year

2016-07-25 09:46:36来源: 逗游网

在近日举行的《讨鬼传2》发售前体验会上,光荣公布了一款《讨鬼传》的联动手游《讨鬼伝 モノノフ》,本作预计在2016年内正式推出,登陆 iOS/安卓 平台。 《讨鬼伝 モノノフ》是一款纯正的动作游戏,目前还不清楚本作在智能手机平台上的表现如何,以及本作将拥有怎样的要素。不过根据官方目前...

In the recently held "to discuss the ghost pass 2" before the sale experience meeting, honorable announced a "discussion ghost Biography" joint hands travel "to discuss ghost vale holds Techno Techno fu", the present as expected in the 2016 year officially launched, landing iOS / Android platform. "Ghost discuss vale holds Techno Techno fu" is a pure action game, it is unclear for how this performance in the smart phone platform, and this will be kind of a feature. However, according to official current ...

标签: 手游