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《荒野大镖客 救赎2》报纸内容一览

"Wilderness dead redemption 2" newspaper content index

2018-11-16 16:40:36来源: 游戏时光

本文有剧透本文搜罗了《荒野大镖客 救赎2》中的所有报纸内容并将其转换成文本,修正了一些措辞与符号错误。供各位在闲暇时期阅读享用,建议收藏食用。《荒野大镖客 救赎2》中的报纸不仅是普通的新闻播报这么简单,它还会披露一些关于支线任务 / 收集品的信息,陌生人任务中陌生人的由来与去向,更有一些隐藏极深的剧情(比如失踪公主),因此报纸内容是很有价值的。在下文中,我将以游戏章节的形式对报纸进行分割,如果不想被剧透,一定要将单章节剧情打完,再阅读相应章节的报纸。值得一提的是,游戏中报纸的内容会根据玩家游戏内行为、选择的不同而有所变化,例如支线任务在报纸中出现的时间取决于你完成这个支线任务的时间。所以本文内...

This paper has revealed the paper for the plot "wilderness dead redemption 2" all the newspapers in the content and convert them into text, correct some words and symbols. You in their spare time reading, collections are recommended. "Wilderness dead redemption 2" in the newspaper is not only an ordinary news broadcasts that simple, it will disclose some information about the side quests/collection, stranger task and where the origin of the stranger, there are hidden deep plot (such as missing princess), so the newspaper content is very valuable. In the following paragraphs, I will be in the form of game section of newspaper to break up, if you don't want to be disclosed, plot will be a single chapter drama play, be sure to read the corresponding section of the newspaper. It is worth mentioning that newspaper content in the game will be according to the players within the game, choose vary, such as side quests in the newspaper time depends on the time you complete this quest. So this article inside...