新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华为Mate9亮相HPL,最强安卓旗舰机为移动电竞背书?


Huawei Mate9 appearance HPL, strongest android flagship machine e-sports endorsement for mobile?

2016-12-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2016HPL全球总决赛H2于12月3日在深圳罗湖体育馆圆满落幕。而作为本次HPL全球总决赛独家赞助商的华为游戏和比赛指定用机的HUAWEI Mate9,也伴随全球数十支顶尖战队的最终角逐再次引爆手游玩家视界。HPL作为亚洲地区最大的移动电竞赛事,拥有《全民枪战》、《舞创天团》、《巅峰战舰》、《弹弹岛2》等比赛项目,同时也以其独特的开放性,持续吸引其他游戏厂商明星手游加入。此次与华为游戏的合作,不仅打破了目前主流手游电竞比赛使用苹果手机及平板为比赛用机的格局,为安卓高端阵营在电竞战局中拿下一分,更开辟了游戏+体育+分发市场+手机终端深度合作的先河,为移动游戏行业注入了崭新能量。 移动电竞迅...

2016 HPL global finals H2 on December 3 ended in shenzhen luohu gymnasium. As the HPL global finals exclusive sponsor HUAWEI designated games and game with machine HUAWEI Mate9, also along with the global dozens of top team's competition finally once again set off hand play home horizon. HPL as Asia's largest mobile tournament, with a gun battle, a day, the dance, the peak battleships, "play island 2" and other games, but also for its unique openness, continues to attract other game makers star mobile game to join. The cooperation with huawei's game, not only broke the current mainstream e-sports games using mobile game, apple mobile phone and tablet with machine pattern for the match, as the high-end android camp scored a point in the e-sports game, more open game + sports + + mobile terminal distribution market depth cooperation, has injected new energy for the mobile gaming industry. E-sports fast moving...

标签: 安卓 电竞