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《火焰纹章 风花雪月》角色详情公开 职业系统大变样

"Flame Emblem Wind, Flower, Snow Moon" Character Details Open Professional System Change

2019-04-25 11:42:50来源: 游戏时光

新一期《Fami通》已经推出,杂志介绍了《火焰纹章 风花雪月》中的主要登场角色,并首次介绍了游戏系统详情。主人公:贝雷特(男)/贝蕾丝(女)声优:小林裕介(男)/伊藤静(女)开局可选性别,但能力不会有差异。主人公从小母亲就已去世,跟着作为塞洛斯骑士团团长的父亲一起生活,长大后做起了佣兵生意,后来才能被挖掘,当上了士官学校的老师。青狮学级级长:迪米特利声优:石川界人迪米特利为法加斯神圣王国的王子,由于法加斯是一个骑士国家,该学级也培养出了众多擅长使枪的学生,受到骑士精神熏陶的迪米特利是一位礼仪端正、性格爽朗的好青年,但他心中仍有一丝阴霾。黑鹫学级级长:艾迪尔加尔德声优:加隈亚衣黑鹫国是三国中历史...

A new issue of "FamiTong" has been launched. The magazine introduces the main characters in "Flame Seal, Wind Flowers, Snow Moon" and the details of the game system for the first time. The protagonist: Bellett (male)/Bellace (female) is excellent: Kobayashi (male)/Ito Jing (female) can choose gender at the beginning, but there is no difference in ability. The hero's mother died when he was young. He lived with his father, who was the head of the Celos Knights. He grew up in a mercenary business and was later excavated to become a teacher in a sergeant's school. Dimitri is the prince of the holy kingdom of Fargas. As Fargas is a knight country, this school has also trained many students who are good at making guns. Dimitri, who is influenced by chivalry spirit, is a good young man with good manners and bright personality, but he still has a haze in his heart. Black Eagle Grade Leader: Edir Garde is an excellent student: The Black Eagle Country in Kafia is the history of the Three Kingdoms.