新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高自由度ARPG《复制品之剑》即将登陆Switch


High-DOF ARPG The Sword of Copies is about to land in Switch

2019-04-25 10:28:34来源: 游戏时光

独立游戏工作室 One Bit Beyond 在 2017 年 E3 上公布的作品《复制品之剑》(The Swords Of Ditto: Mormo’s Curse)已经在去年登陆了 PS4 和 Steam,而近日,官方宣布本作将会在 5 月 9 日登陆任天堂 Switch。《复制品之剑》以高自由度为特色,吸取了《塞尔达传说》《半分钟英雄》《盗贼遗产》《无尽之剑》等游戏的灵感,用手绘的画风创造了一场可爱的冒险。本作的核心就在于其循环的结构,玩家每一次的目标都是在3天内打败最终 Boss「Mormo」,但每一次玩家使用的英雄、身处的世界都会发生改变,这也为游戏流程带来了无限的可能。有兴趣的话,...

The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse, released on E3 in 2017 by independent game studio One Bit Beyond, has landed on PS4 and Team last year, and recently, it was officially announced that it will be launched on Nintendo Switch on May 9. The Sword of Reproductions is characterized by high degree of freedom. It draws inspiration from games such as Legend of Zelda, Heroes of Half Minute, Legacy of Thieves and Infinite Sword, and creates a lovely adventure with hand-painted style. The core of this book lies in the structure of its cycle. Each player's goal is to defeat the final Boss "Mormo" within three days, but every player's hero and world will change, which also brings infinite possibilities for the game process. If you're interested,...

标签: Switch