新关注 > 信息聚合 > 翻译中国游戏的俄罗斯姑娘


Russian Girls Translating Chinese Games

2019-04-24 16:34:09来源: 触乐


Tatyana & middot; Yevgeniyevna & middot; Stepanova sat on the windowsill with black tea cups in her hands and legs folded, lazily throwing candy into her mouth and opening the window. In the distance, the sunlight reflected on the Neva River was shining on her pink cheeks and bare legs beneath her shirt. She stroked the SV98 barrel across her legs, and a hairy head reached out, interrupting her movements - mdash; - mdash; it was Sasha, an 800-pound brown bear. Sasha hung the rifle aside and let out a deep whimper. Tatyana rubbed the brown bear's thick ears and took an apple from the plate beside her and handed it. Sasha put her nose into the bread and caviar on the plate, sniffed it carefully, and decided not to divide up more breakfast. It took the apple from the hostess's hand, put her head on Tania's lap, and hummed coquettishly. & mdash...

标签: 游戏