新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯神秘新作为《失落的方舟》 官网已上线

腾讯神秘新作为《失落的方舟》 官网已上线

Tencent as the mysterious new "the Lost Ark" website has been on-line

2015-11-09 14:54:37来源: 多玩游戏

11月9日多玩网消息,此前我们已报道过在本周举行的腾讯游戏嘉年华TGC上,腾讯将会公布一款神秘新作。近日,这款神秘新游悬念站已悄然上线。从域名“lostark.qq.com”可知。这款神秘新作已经基本确认就是CF开发商Smilegate新作《失落的方舟(LOST ARK)》。【进入悬念站...

11 9 more network news, we have previously reported this week at the carnival games Tencent TGC, Tencent will announce a new mystery. Recently, this mysterious new tour suspense station has been quietly on the line. From the domain name "lostark.qq.com". This mysterious new work has been basically confirmed that the CF developer Smilegate new "ARK LOST". Enter the suspense station...

标签: 腾讯