新关注 > 信息聚合 > 因为Telltale倒闭,一款颇具野心的《怪奇物语》游戏胎死腹中


Because of the collapse of Telltale, an ambitious game of "Strange Tales" died in the womb.

2019-04-24 11:46:27来源: 游戏时光

由于 Telltale Games 在 2018 年 9 月倒闭,不少还在进行中的项目惨遭腰斩。根据 The Verge 的报道,在这些游戏中,有一款是根据大热电视剧《怪奇物语》改编的。《怪奇物语》电视剧海报这款《怪奇物语》新作与 BonusXP 制作的那款并非同一款,该项目原计划由《奥森弗里》开发团队 Night School Studio 制作,并由 Telltale Games 负责发行。当 Telltale Games 突然倒闭的时候,Night School Studio 也差点被殃及池鱼。据 The Verge 报道,该项目曾经充满野心,完全不是传统的「Telltale ...

As Telltale Games collapsed in September 2018, many ongoing projects suffered a lump sum. According to the report of & nbsp; The Verge, one of these games was adapted from the popular TV series "The Story of Strange Monsters". The new Monster Story poster is not the same as the one made by Bonus XP. The project was originally planned to be produced by Night School Studio, the Osenfrey development team, and released by Telltale Games. When Telltale Games suddenly went bankrupt, Night School Studio almost hit the fish in the pond. According to The Verge, the project was once full of ambition, not the traditional "Telltale".

标签: 游戏