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CS火线行动哪个角色好 角色建议选择

CS FireWire action which role is the role of a good suggestion choice

2015-08-03 15:11:04来源: 4399

CS火线行动游戏中共12个角色供玩家选择,硬派大叔,呆萌萝莉,清新少女,气质御姐,应有尽有,一边是紧张刺激的枪林弹雨,一边是美丽养眼的美女军团,一个游戏.两种人生,夫复何求!特殊的角色还会拥有独特的人物技能,与相应的武器配合,效果超群,千万不可错过! 1)猫屎一号:三级跳,可连续跳跃...

CS FireWire action game of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 12 role for players to choose, uncle hardcore, Meng Lori stay, fresh young girl, sister temperament, everything, while the excitement of the hail of bullets, one side is the beautiful and seductive beauty female legion, a game. Two kinds of life, husband of anything! Special characters will have unique character skills, excellent results with, and the corresponding weapon, do not miss! 1) cat feces A: three jump, can be continuous jump...