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Die another day! "Cabal1.5" the new association Title Competition

2015-04-12 17:04:02来源: 多玩游戏

硝烟未止,战火正炙,《Cabal1.5》新版“觉醒风暴”已全面开启,全新的公会开启全新的天下争霸,霸气拉风的新公会称号更是令人瞩目!热血沸腾的激情世界,谁是最终的王者之师?快随我一起去看看!新服“风暴英雄”也即将到来哦! 无兄弟,不网游。在涅瓦雷斯大陆闯荡,最重要的就是有人一起出生入...

smoke has not ended, the war is over, "Cabal1.5" version of "the awakening of the storm" has been fully opened, the new company will open a new world hegemony, the new male domineering wind is the title will attract people's attention! One's blood boils with indignation. the passion of the world, who is the king of the division? Come with me to have a look! The new service, "heroes of the storm is coming."! No brothers, not online. In the battles, Niewaleisi, the most important is to have people born into...