新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大家都爱锻炼 《健身拳击》全球出货量突破30万

大家都爱锻炼 《健身拳击》全球出货量突破30万

Everyone loves to exercise Fitness Boxing, with a global shipment of more than 300,000

2019-04-22 11:10:30来源: 游戏时光

开发商 imagineer 今日宣布,Switch 平台节奏健身游戏《健身拳击》(Fitness Boxing)全球累计出货量(含数字下载版)已突破30万份。《健身拳击》发售于2018年12月20日,游戏主打“挥拳进行爽快的训练”内容,使用 Joy-Con 的体感玩法,加入了音乐节奏要素,本作收录了20多首不同的歌曲和6名知名声优演绎的指导员,一经推出就受到各年龄段的玩家间好评,甚至还一度脱销。《健身拳击》目前在日服 eShop 中8折促销中,本作还支持双人一起锻炼和简体中文,感兴趣的玩家不要错过。来源:prtimes

Developer Imagineer announced today that the global total shipment of Switch Platform Fitness Boxing, a rhythmic fitness game, has exceeded 300,000 copies. "Fitness Boxing" was released on December 20, 2018. The game's main content is "Swing your fist for refreshing training". Joy-Con's sensory play method is used and music rhythm elements are added. This book contains more than 20 different songs and six famous excellent performers. Once it was launched, it was praised by players of all ages and even sold out for a time. Fitness Boxing is currently on sale at 8% discount in eShop. This book also supports two people to exercise together and simplify Chinese. Interested players should not miss it. Source: prtimes