新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天龙八部染衣服也能致富 你一定不知道这些

天龙八部染衣服也能致富 你一定不知道这些

Tianlong eight stained clothes can also rich you don't know these

2015-08-20 18:03:32来源: 游久网

先说染时装的: 1. 对于染衣服来说 时间段很重要。。 每天下午3:00~4:30和 半夜2:30~4:30是对于染色来说最好的时间段。 2.每周2 4更新完8点多就能上。。立刻上立刻染 容易出。。 3。以前论坛看有妹纸说过。不提前买石头。而是系统提示包里没有红曜石。一个一个...

first dyed fashion: 1. For dye the clothes for a period of time is very important. Every afternoon 3:00~4:30 and midnight 2:30~4:30 is the best time to dye. 24 2 more than 8 points per week to update.. Immediately on the easy out.. 3. Before the forum to see a sister paper said. Don't buy a stone in advance. But the system prompts no red Obsidian bag. A one...