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船上3V3! 《九阳神功》手游地图赤壁曝光

On board 3V3! Exposed in the "Nine Yang magic," the tour Chibi map

2015-06-08 13:48:34来源: 一游网

长久以来,MOBA手游的竞技地图主要以森林、草地等偏野外场景的为主,九阳神功手游创新性地为玩家打造了名为赤壁的3V3竞技地图,玩家将重回三国古战场,在漂浮不定的船上进行激烈战斗,带给玩家不同以往的竞技体验。 (场景研发原图) (伏击) 赤壁这张地图是游戏3V3模式最具特色的一...

for a long time since, MoBa hand tour of the athletics map mainly to forest and grassland partial outdoor environment mainly Joyoung magic hand tour innovation for players to create a Chibi 3v3 athletics map, players will return to the ancient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms, in the ship adrift of fierce fighting, bring different players previous athletic experience. (scene research original) (Fu Ji) Chibi this map is the game 3V3 mode the most characteristic one...

标签: 手游