新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《审判之眼 死神遗言》第八弹情报:五位关键人物交织出的法庭剧

《审判之眼 死神遗言》第八弹情报:五位关键人物交织出的法庭剧

The eye of the trial Play intelligence: 8 of death note the five key figures woven out of court

2018-11-29 11:42:58来源: 游戏时光

世嘉于今日公布了旗下新作《审判之眼 死神遗言》的最新情报,主要介绍了五位主要登场人物,这五位身份、立场截然不同的关键人物将会为玩家上演一出怎样的法庭剧呢?八神隆之本作主角,曾经是一名律师,现在是不挑工作的侦探。在他至今为止的人生中,遇到过三起对他影响深远的事件。第一起事件发生在约二十年前,双亲遇害。八神的父亲也是一名律师,因帮助某杀人犯赢得无罪判决而被受害人家属杀害。八神的母亲也未能幸免于难。凶手行凶后亦在房间内自杀身亡。后来年少的八神拒绝了亲戚的援助,来到神室町。几年后,他在周围人们的支持下,成功当上了律师。第二起事件是八神第一次经手的命案。委托他的被告——大久保新平,当时26岁。他承认将年...

Sega today announced its new "the eye of the trial Death note ", the latest intelligence, and mainly introduces the five main dramatic personae, the five identity, position different key figures for players on how a court will play? Iori lung of the protagonist, used to be a lawyer, now is not the detective work. In his life so far, met three influential event for him. The first occurred in about twenty years ago, his parents were killed. Iori's father is a lawyer, for helping a murderer killed by the victim's family won acquittal. Iori mother failed to survive. After the murderer killed himself in the room. Then young iori refused the relatives of the aid, muromachi came to god. Several years later, he in the surrounding people, under the support of success as a lawyer. The second act was the first time iori handles the murder. Entrust his defendant - okubo xinping, then 26 years old. He admitted that he will...