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《Line:迪士尼消消看》收入突破十亿 下载达七千万

"Line: Disney elimination" revenue breakthrough one billion downloads up to seventy million

2017-07-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

免费手游《Line:迪士尼消消看》(Disney Tsum Tsum)的收入已经突破了10亿美元(约合人民币68亿)。 Line株式会社于2014年1月在日本本土上架了《Line:迪士尼消消看》,该游戏的英语版本则在同年7月上架,现在已经覆盖了全球154个国家和地区。 截至2017年4月11日,《Line:迪士尼消消看》下载次数达7000万,总收入超过了10亿美元。而我们上次披露该游戏的销售数据是在2015年3月,当时该游戏仅上市一年时间就获得了3亿美元的收入。在这之后的两年里,这款游戏又创收7亿美元,证明其销售收入一直在稳定增长中。为了庆祝这一好消息,即日起至2017年7月13日,...

The free hand tour Line: Disney Tsum Tsum (Disney Tsum Tsum) has already exceeded $1 billion (about 6 billion 800 million). In January 2014, Line company set up the "Line: Disney disappear and see" on the mainland of Japan. The English version of the game was put on the shelves in July of the same year, and now it has covered 154 countries and regions in the world. As of April 11, 2017, "Line: Disney elimination look" downloaded 70 million, with a total income of more than $1 billion. The last time we disclosed the game's sales data was in March 2015, when the game got $300 million a year on the market. In the two years after that, the game earned $700 million to prove that its sales have been growing steadily. In order to celebrate this good news, from now on to July 13, 2017,...