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2018游戏研发力量调查:全年游戏收入2144.4亿元 行业承压明显

Survey of Game Research and Development Force in 2018: Game Revenue of 214.44 billion Yuan

2019-04-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,17173发布《2018游戏研发力量调查》,报告显示,2018年全年,国内游戏市场实际销售收入达2144.4亿元,同比增长5.3%;游戏用户规模达到了6.26亿人,同比增长7.3%。与前两年的用户数量相比, 2018年,二次元游戏大爆发,电竞迎来了增长的小高峰而独立游戏的热度总体持平,游戏直播的人气热度则继续下挫。 电竞运动的火爆,新风口正在酝酿中 在经过数不清的“电竞元年”后,中国电竞也终于在2018年迎来了成绩上的全面突破。基于中国队良好的成绩表现以及社会环境的认可普及,社会认可度不断提高,不仅有大量资本涌入,政府也有意扶持电竞行业发展,这使得电竞成为2018年为数不多的能享受...

Recently, 171713 released the "Survey of the Research and Development Forces of Games 2018", the report shows that the actual sales revenue of the domestic game market in 2018 reached 214.44 billion yuan, an increase of 5.3% over the same period of last year; the scale of game users reached 626 million people, an increase of 7.3% over the same period of last year. Compared with the number of users in the previous two years, in 2018, the second meta-game broke out, with the growth of electronic competition at a small peak, while the popularity of independent games remained flat, while the popularity of live games continued to decline. With the popularity of e-sports, after countless years of "the first year of e-sports", China's E-sports finally ushered in a comprehensive breakthrough in its achievements in 2018. Based on the good performance of the Chinese team and the recognition and popularization of the social environment, the social recognition has been continuously improved. Not only has there been a large influx of capital, but also the government intends to support the development of the e-sports industry, which makes the e-sports become a few enjoyments in 2018.

标签: 游戏