新关注 > 信息聚合 > 好评步行模拟《到家》现已支持官方中文


The high praise of walking simulation "home" has now supported official Chinese

2018-02-14 10:41:13来源: 游戏时光

由Fullbright开发的《到家》最初于2013年发售,是一款颇受好评的步行模拟游戏。在最近的更新中,官方为本作添加了中文语言,并且追加了 Steam 云存档与 Steam 成就等功能。在《到家》中,玩家要在自己的一栋房间中走来走去,看看自己的卧室,看看爸妈的床,找找笔记本照片和情书,沿着蛛丝马迹一点点找啊找,探索并感受气氛是这款游戏的核心。如果你对这款经典的步行模拟游戏有兴趣,不妨点击下方链接了解。游戏原价仅需15元,史低则是9元。

"Home", developed by Fullbright, was originally sold in 2013. It is a highly praised walk simulation game. In recent updates, the official language was added to the work, and the Steam cloud archiving and Steam achievements were added. In "home", players should walk around in their own room, look at their bedroom, see their parents' beds, find photos and love letters of their laptops, find and find clues along the clues, explore and feel the atmosphere is the core of this game. If you are interested in this classic walking simulation game, you might as well click on the link below. The original price of the game is only 15 yuan, and the low history is 9 yuan.