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沙盒手游《Project CL》真实天气系统堪比主机3A大作

Sandbox mobile game Project CL "comparable to the host 3 a real weather systems

2019-02-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

你见过把真实的天气搬进手机里的游戏吗?你见过把现实地表放在手机里呈现的游戏吗?不论是刮风下雨,烈阳惊雷,还是森林矿脉,雪山岩浆,能给你一切极尽真实的画面的,竟然是一款手机游戏——由游戏大厂出品,2019年度最受期待沙盒手游“Project CL”。 多说无益,放张图感受下“Project CL”的实机画面—— 当你在森林中冒险时,恰逢惊雷大雨,有电光闪烁,有深处水洼,林中的树木随风雨摇曳,连雨滴降落地表都有细致的呈现。 你还将来到传说中的黑暗森林,天降酸雨,让你寸步难行。 荒漠中,大风随时席卷沙尘而来,路过的小动物都被卷走了! 当然也有惠风和畅,天朗气清之际,可以在“...

Have you ever seen the real weather into mobile phone game? Have you ever seen the real surface of mobile phone games? Whether the wind rain, braving thunder, vein or forests, snow-capped mountains of magma, all can give you all the real picture, unexpectedly is a mobile phone game - produced by the game companies, 2019 the most eagerly awaited sandbox mobile game "Project CL". Say more useless, put "Project CL" under the picture feel real machine picture - when you're in the forest adventure, coincides with the thunder rain, a lightning flash, there deep pools, the trees of the wood sways with the wind and rain, the raindrops landing surface has a detailed presentation. You will also come to the legendary dark forests, acid rain, let you. In the desert, wind swept through dust anytime, passing small animals are swept away! Of course, there are pretty breeze bracing, the air, can be in "...

标签: 手游