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Secret战队赛事回顾 它是如何举起MDL三板斧

A review of the secret team events it is how to lift the MDL sanbanfu

2015-06-10 00:36:40来源: 游久网

MDL国际邀请赛已经结束,但是在短短的4天内,上演了28场精彩的赛事,参赛队伍中国地区达到10支参赛队伍,最终在决赛场Secret以 3:1击败对手Empire,在这四天的激烈角逐中,secret战队是如何一步步的走过来的,又发生了那些事情呢?今天就跟随小编去追寻Secret的7场赛事回...

MDL international invitational tournament in has come to an end, but in just four days, staged 28 Games exciting events, to team China 10 teams and eventually in the final secret 3-1 defeat of Empire. In the four days of intense competition, the secret clan is a step by step how to came, and what happened?? today follow Xiaobian to search for the secret seven matches of the back...