新关注 > 信息聚合 > 6.1史诗黑石箱子开不出套装 wow黑石695宝箱任务..

6.1史诗黑石箱子开不出套装 wow黑石695宝箱任务..

The 6.1 epic Blackstone box open a set wow Blackstone 695 treasure task..

2015-03-09 15:12:35来源: 电玩巴士

6.1版本于今天正式上线,其中要塞随从任务中新加入了黑石宝箱任务,最高可获得695史诗黑石装备,但目前黑石铸造厂宝箱任务刷新机制仍然没有得到官方的明确说明,下面我们根据各方面的反馈来大致猜测一下触发条件吧。 首先是论坛里有玩家爆出刚上线就获得了史诗黑石宝箱的任务,根据该玩家的反馈,应...

6.1 bus version today officially launched, the fortress attendant task new join Blackstone treasure task, maximum 695 epic Blackstone equipment, but the current Blackstone foundry treasure task refresh mechanism still did not get a clear description of the official, we are based on the following feedback all aspects of the roughly guess trigger conditions. The forum is the first burst in just online game player won the epic Blackstone treasure task, according to the feedback of the game player, should be...