新关注 > 信息聚合 > 还嫌大蒜“重口味”?可人家除了防癌还能防止记忆衰退


Still disgusted with garlic's "heavy taste"? But in addition to cancer prevention, people can also prevent memory loss.

2019-04-12 06:26:27来源: IT之家

美国路易斯维尔大学的研究人员已经发现,吃大蒜能够阻止人们记忆消退。研究人员称,吃大蒜能够帮助我们阻止老年痴呆和帕金森等老龄化疾病引发的记忆衰退。大蒜中含有一种天然化合物——烯丙基硫醚,它不仅能够改善胃部的细菌健康,还能够改善老年人的认知能力。科学家发现,这种化合物能够恢复肠道内的微生物群落,也就是我们常说的肠道菌群。之前有研究已经突出了肠道菌群在维持健康方面的重要性,但是很少有研究探索肠道健康与老龄化状况之间的关系。路易斯维尔大学的Jyotirmaya Behera博士称:“我们的研究表明,食用含有烯丙基硫醚的大蒜能够帮助我们维持健康的肠道微生物群,还能改善老年人的认知健康状况。”研究的合著者...

Researchers at the University of Louisville in the United States have found that eating garlic can prevent memory loss. Researchers say eating garlic can help prevent memory loss caused by aging diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Garlic contains a natural compound, allyl sulfide, which can not only improve the health of stomach bacteria, but also improve the cognitive ability of the elderly. Scientists have found that this compound restores the microbial community in the intestine, which we often call the intestinal flora. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of intestinal flora in maintaining health, but few have explored the relationship between intestinal health and aging. Dr. Jyotirmaya Behera, University of Louisville, said: "Our research shows that eating garlic containing allyl sulfide can help us maintain healthy intestinal microflora and improve cognitive health in the elderly. The co-author of the study ____________