新关注 > 信息聚合 > 工商总局拟出台网络促销新规:不得设置定金不退..


The State Administration for Industry and commerce to be promulgated new regulations shall not set up a network promotion: deposit not refundable..

2015-01-06 12:23:16来源: TechWeb

工商总局拟出台网络促销新规:不得设置定金不退等规定 【TechWeb报道】1月6日消息,国家工商行政管理总局今日在其官方网站公布《网络商品和服务集中促销活动管理暂行规定(征求意见稿)》向社会公开征求意见。 征求意见稿规定,网络集中促销组织者不得采用格式条款,设置订金不退、预售商品不适...

Administration for Industry and commerce to be promulgated new rules: network promotion must not be set down entry and other provisions [TechWeb] the news reported in January 6th, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce announced the "Interim Provisions of centralized network goods and services promotion activity management today in its official website (Draft)" to solicit comments from the public. The provisions of the draft, network centralized promotion Organizer shall not use the terms of format, set the deposit entry, pre-sale discomfort...