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Starbucks pushed the virtual voice assistant, can direct orders by voice

2017-01-31 10:41:15来源: 亿邦动力网

1月31日早间消息,美国咖啡连锁巨头星巴克刚刚在该公司的移动应用My Starbucks里推出了一项新的语音助手功能,方便用户通过语音点单和支付。借助该功能,用户便可修改自己的订单,就像在现实世界中与真的咖啡师交流一样。除此之外,该公司还与亚马逊Alexa平台进行整合,用户可以借助Echo音箱或其他内置Alexa平台的设备重新购买自己最喜欢的餐品。用户通过虚拟语音助手下单星巴克之前就曾在投资者开放日上宣布,该公司计划推出一款语音助手,并透露这项服务将于2017年早些时候进行测试。

On January 31st morning news, the giant American coffee chain Starbucks was in the company's mobile application in the My Starbucks has launched a new voice assistant function, convenient user via voice order and payment. Using this feature, users can change their order, like in the real world with real barista exchanges. In addition, the company also with amazon Alexa platform integrating, the user can use the Echo sound box or other built-in Alexa platform equipment to buy their favorite products. Users through the virtual voice assistant order starbucks had previously announced on investors to Open Day, the company plans to launch a voice assistant, and revealed that the service will be tested earlier in 2017.