新关注 > 信息聚合 > 视觉中国遭多家公募下调估值 连续第三日跌停

视觉中国遭多家公募下调估值 连续第三日跌停

Visual China suffered a third consecutive day of downward valuation by several public offerings

2019-04-16 09:41:20来源: DoNews

DoNews4月16日消息(记者 翟继茹)上周视觉中国在两日出现跌停后,长盛、华宝、农银汇理、泰信等基金公司再次下调了其估值,最低下调至18.37元每股。其中,长盛基金、华宝基金、信达澳银下调视觉中国估值至20.41元/股;农银汇理下调至18.52元每股;泰信基金按照18.37元进行估值。12日,视觉中国早间发布公告称,天津市互联网信息办公室依法约谈公司网站负责人,责令公司网站全面彻底整改并在此期间暂时关闭网站。当日,视觉中国直接封住跌停板,报25.2元,封单量40.9万手,出逃资金10个亿。截至目前,视觉中国已经连续第三日跌停,今日报价20.41元,跌停封单超58万手,目前市值约143亿元。(完)

DoNews, April 16 (Reporter Zhai Jiru) Last week, after China's two-day drop, Changsheng, Huabao, Agricultural Bank of China Huili and Thai Credit Fund Company lowered their valuation to 18.37 yuan per share. Among them, Changsheng Fund, Huabao Fund and Xinda Bank of Australia downgraded the visual China valuation to 20.41 yuan per share; Agricultural Bank of China Huili downgraded to 18.52 yuan per share; Thai Credit Fund was valued at 18.37 yuan. Visual China issued an announcement early Tuesday that the Tianjin Internet Information Office interviewed the company's website directors according to law and ordered the company's website to be completely rectified and temporarily shut down during this period. On that day, Visual China sealed the drop stop directly, offering $25.2, sealed 409,000 hands and fled with a capital of $1 billion. Up to now, Visual China has fallen for the third consecutive day. Today's quotation is 2.41 yuan, with a drop-stop list exceeding 580,000 hands and a market value of about 14.3 billion yuan. (end)