新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全系6折:腾讯视频VIP年卡限时118.8元


6% discount: Tencent Video VIP Year Card Limit 118.8 yuan

2019-04-16 09:12:04来源: IT之家

IT之家4月16日消息 腾讯视频VIP再次开启六折特惠活动,VIP月卡、季卡、年卡全系6折(手机、电脑和Pad)。随着《权力的游戏》开播,又有不少小伙伴在需要腾讯视频会员了吧,6集买3个月最划算。此价虽非最低,但也还算良心,活动4月17日结束:腾讯视频6折购买VIP年卡¥118.8点此VIP季卡¥34.8点此VIP月卡¥14点此• 腾讯视频VIP:原价198元/年,可用于手机、电脑和Pad,限时118.8/年,点此购买(年卡);34.8元/3个月,点此购买(季卡);14元/1月,点此购买(月卡)。活动说明:充值方式:自动充值(一般3秒-1分钟)充值账号:填写需要充值的QQ号码,不支持...

IT Home News on April 16 Tencent Video VIP once again opened a 60% discount event, VIP monthly card, quarter card, annual card is 6% discount (mobile phone, computer and ad). With the launch of "Game of Power", there are many small partners in need of Tencent video members, six episodes for three months is the most cost-effective. Although the price is not the lowest, it is also conscience. The activity ended on April 17: Tencent Video 6% discount for VIP Annual Card 118.8 This VIP Quarterly Card 34.8 This VIP Monthly Card 14 nbsp; Tencent Video VIP: original price 198 yuan/year, for mobile phones, computers and PDAs, the time limit is 118.8/year, purchase here (annual card); 34.8 yuan/3 months, purchase here (quarterly card); 14 yuan/January, purchase here. (Monthly Card). Activity description: recharge mode: automatic recharge (generally 3 seconds - 1 minute) recharge account number: fill in the QQ number that needs recharge, does not support _________

标签: 视频 腾讯