新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鸟瞰智能袁小芒:互联网金融需求井喷,智能助理时代即将开启


Have a bird's eye view of small mans intelligence yuan, Internet financial demand blowout, intelligent assistant era is about to open it

2018-12-27 10:54:00来源: 亿欧

回顾过去60年的发展史,人工智能已经在时代浪潮中几番沉浮,我们在创造未来智能的同时,也在被它们改变。今天,AI 正以无处不在的姿态影响着我们的生活,那么未来,人工智能究竟会如何改变人类的生活?也许我们可以从金融智能助理的发展中一窥全豹。金融智能助理:服务员or专家?人人都希望有一个贴心的私人助理,帮助自己打理生活的方方面面。国外主要智能助理包括亚马逊ALEXA、Google Assistant、苹果Siri、微软Cortana。国内互联网三大巨头BAT也通过各种方式紧锣密鼓地发布了百度度秘、腾讯叮当、天猫精灵和阿里小蜜,力图从智能助理的场景切入,完善未来的生态布局。鸟瞰智能创始人袁小芒认为,未...

Review the past 60 years, the history of artificial intelligence in The Times have several ups and downs, we are creating the future of intelligence at the same time, also in changed by them. Today, the AI is affecting our life with the attitude of ubiquitous, so in the future, how artificial intelligence will change human life? Maybe we can be demonstrated from the financial development of intelligent assistant. Financial assistant: waiter or specialist? Everyone wants to have a close personal assistant, to help you manage all aspects of our lives. Major foreign intelligent Assistant including amazon, Google, ALEXA Assistant, apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana. Domestic Internet three giant BAT also quietly released by baidu and the secret, tencent jingle, small honey Tmall elves and ali, from the scene of intelligent assistant, perfect ecological layout in the future. Have a bird's eye view of smart founder yuen small mans thinks,...

标签: 互联网金融