新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新资料片曝光《足球大逆袭》新版本大揭秘


A new piece of information exposure "misfits" football new version of revelation

2015-02-11 15:06:28来源: 4399

新春将至,足球手游力作《足球大逆袭》精心打造了新版资料片,为广大球迷玩家们献上更为刺激和丰富的玩法,千万不要错过咯哟,一起来了看看吧! ■全新球员等级之进阶SR级 新版本架构全新的球员等级上限,等级达到120级的SS级球员可以突破极限,进阶为SR级球员,再次升级达到150级!进阶为S...

Spring Festival is approaching, the football Mobile Games masterpiece "football big counterattack" carefully build a new version of the piece of information, for the majority of fans game player are offer more exciting and rich gameplay, don't Miss Luo yo, together have a look! - new advanced players level the new version of the schema S r new players the level cap, reach level 120 level SS players can break through the limit, advanced as SR player, to upgrade again reached level 150 advanced S...