新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科学家探测到宇宙生命分子 生物进程关键步骤

科学家探测到宇宙生命分子 生物进程关键步骤

Scientists to explore the molecular biological processes of life in the universe

2015-03-22 15:52:14来源: 科技讯

科学家利用绿岸射电望远镜探测到距离地球25000光年处的巨型气体云。它位于我们银河系中央附近,气体云中存在特殊的分子结构,是DNA分子形成的关键组成部分,同时暗示其可形成氨基酸等物质,如丙氨酸。 新发现的分子可参与腺嘌呤的产生,由此形成的含氮杂环物质可演化出不同的互变异构物,作为DN...

scientists use the Green Bank telescope to detect cloud of gas giant is located 25000 light-years away from earth at. It is located in the Milky Way system we near the center, there are special molecular structure gas clouds, is the key part of the DNA molecule is formed, and suggests that it can be formed amino acids, such as alanine. The newly discovered molecules may participate in the generation of adenine, thus the formation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic substances can evolve different tautomers, as DN...