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Gou confirmed that Foxconn will mass-produce new iPhones in India this year

2019-04-16 08:56:30来源: IT之家

北京时间4月16日早间消息,据彭博社报道,富士康主席郭台铭表示,今年他们将会开始在印度进行iPhone的量产工作,这是富士康生产工作的一次重要改变,此前他们的iPhone生产工作都是在中国大陆完成的。郭台铭表示,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)邀请了他,希望富士康可以在印度进行生产。过去几年中,苹果的旧iPhone型号曾在班加罗尔的一座工厂内印度生产。在富士康本次做出最新的决定之后,其它新型号iPhone也将会开始在印度生产。本月早些时候,彭博社报道称富士康已经做好了在印度进行新型号iPhone的试产准备,在试产完成之后,他们将会在印度开始正式大规模量产。富士康在印度的工厂...

Beijing time, April 16 morning news, according to Bloomberg News, Foxconn Chairman Guo Taiming said that this year they will start the production of the iPhone in India, which is an important change in Foxconn's production work, before their iPhone production work was completed in mainland China. Gou said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited him in the hope that Foxconn could produce in India. Over the past few years, Apple's old iPhone models have been manufactured in India at a factory in Bangalore. Following Foxconn's latest decision, other new models of the iPhone will also be produced in India. Earlier this month, Bloomberg reported that Foxconn was ready for a trial production of the new iPhone in India, and that after the trial production, they would begin mass production in India. Foxconn's factory in India...