新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤 黑色行动4》季票内容与数字版详情公布

《使命召唤 黑色行动4》季票内容与数字版详情公布

Call of duty black action 4 season tickets to the content and digital version released for details

2018-06-12 00:50:49来源: 游戏时光

动视公布了《使命召唤 黑色行动4》的版本信息,除了普通版游戏之外,《使命召唤 黑色行动4》还将推出数字高级版、数字高级加强版以及专家版。预购任何版本均可获得参与 Beta 测试的资格。数字高级版包括:《使命召唤 黑色行动4》数字版游戏黑色行动通行证,包含以下四个内容:“机密”僵尸地图,游戏发售时即推出;4个追加的僵尸地图;12个多人对战地图;4个独占“黑色冲突”角色。数字奖励内容2400点《使命召唤》点数数字高级加强版包括:《使命召唤 黑色行动4》数字版游戏黑色行动通行证,包含以下四个内容:“机密”僵尸地图,游戏发售时即推出;4个追加的僵尸地图;12个多人对战地图;4个独占“黑色冲突”角色。数...

Activision released the call of duty black action 4 version information, in addition to the ordinary version of the game, "the call of duty black action 4" will also introduce digital premium, senior enhanced version and experts. Purchase in advance to any version to participate in the Beta can be obtained. Digital advanced edition includes: the digital edition of the call of duty black action 4 black action pass game, consists of the following four contents: "secret" zombie map, the release is introduced; Four additional zombie map; More than 12 versus maps; Four exclusive role conflict of "black". Digital content reward 2400 'call of duty point digital senior enhanced include: "the call of duty Black action 4 digital edition black action pass game, consists of the following four contents: the "secret" zombie map, the release is introduced; Four additional zombie map; More than 12 versus maps; Four exclusive role conflict of "black". The number...