新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018年感动中国人物揭晓:排雷战士杜富国等上榜


Announced moved 2018 Chinese characters: demining soldier Du Fuguo etc on the list

2019-02-18 22:47:13来源: IT之家

IT之家2月18日消息 今日晚间,《感动中国2018年度人物颁奖盛典》如约而至,2018年感动中国人物揭晓。获得“感动中国2018年度人物”荣誉的分别是:两弹一星功勋程开甲,守岛卫国32年的民兵夫妇王继才、王仕花,生活节俭却捐赠千万的退休老人马旭,不畏牺牲的排雷战士杜富国,勇斗歹徒的退伍军人吕保民,危急时刻安全降落的英雄机长刘传健,雪域邮路上的忠诚信使其美多吉,坚守扶贫一线的基层干部张渠伟,担起未来的80后乡村教师张玉滚钟扬:扎根大地的人民科学家以下为2018年感动中国人物及颁奖词钟扬:扎根大地的人民科学家钟扬长期致力于生物多样性研究和保护,率领团队在青藏高原为国家种质库收集了数千万...

February 18, IT's home news & have spent Today evening, "moved China's 2018 person of the year awards" and, in 2018 moved the Chinese characters. Get the "touched China's 2018 person of the year" award, respectively is: hydrogen bombs exploits Cheng Kaijia, ShouDao 32 years of militia couple ji-cai wang, wei Wang Shihua, frugality life has donated millions of pensioners Ma Xu, sacrifice demining soldier Du Fuguo, struggle against gangsters veterans Lv Baomin, hero captain Liu Chuanjian landed safely at a time of crisis, the loyalty of snow area "messenger in its run, stick to the poverty line of grassroots cadres canal wei zhang, shouldering the future after the 80 rural teacher yu rolled Zhong Yang: scientists take root in the earth's people moved to China by 2018 figures and the following words Zhong Yang: root Zhong Yang long-term commitment to the people of the earth scientists biodiversity research and conservation, led the team on the Tibetan plateau for national germplasm repository is a collection of tens of millions of...