新关注 > 信息聚合 > 致我们逝去的游戏青春 dnf玩家怀旧武器分享

致我们逝去的游戏青春 dnf玩家怀旧武器分享

Memorial caused by we lost game DNF youth players nostalgic weapons share

2015-06-24 17:56:53来源: 电玩巴士

我们的青春纪念册!DNF玩家分享怀旧系列之武器篇! 近年来,整个社会都弥漫着一种怀旧气息,从电影市场里的各种青春系电影的热映,到图书市场里的各种青春系列小说,都在说着同一个主题,那就是回忆。其实分析一下是可以理解的,1975——1990年出生的这一代人的生长年代是承前启后的,处在历史...

we youth book! DNF player share nostalgia series weapons. In recent years, the whole society are filled with a nostalgic atmosphere, from the film market in the Youth Department of film heat reflecting and to book market in various youth series of novels, are talking with a theme, that is memory. Actually analyze is understandable, 1975, the generation born in 1990 the growth age is as a connecting link between the preceding and the following, in the history of...

标签: 游戏 玩家 DNF