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《成吉思汗2》每日新鲜事 带你花样秀智商

"Genghis Khan 2 daily fresh things with your figure show IQ

2015-07-23 13:34:14来源: 天极网

说起《成吉思汗2》中消息最灵通的人物,非包打听莫属。此人素有江湖百晓生、街道万事通、居委会妇女之友、道听途说小能手等诸多称号,玩家每日都能从他那里听到一些有趣的新鲜事。 《成吉思汗2》活动NPC包打听 “大都新鲜事”是《成吉思汗2》中的系列循环任务,40级以上的玩家每天可以接受3个...

speaking of" Genghis Khan 2 "in the message the best informed people, non nosy. The man known as the arena Bai Xiaosheng, Jack of all trades of the street, neighborhood committee women friends, hearsay small expert etc. many other titles, players are daily to hear some new and interesting things from him. "Gen Gi Khan 2" activities NPC package to inquire about the "mostly fresh thing" is "Gen Gi Khan 2" in the series of circular task, more than 40 players every day can receive 3...