新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百度车联网:让奔驰,宝马,福特争相“上瘾”的杀手锏


Baidu car networking: mercedes-benz, BMW, ford to "addiction" assassin's mace

2018-07-25 20:15:00来源: 品途网

电影《邪不压正》里,李天然从美国回到北京,美国养父亨德勒医生就开着那辆老爷车带他回到古色古香的四合院。显而易见,这是那时北京上层社会才有的生活。 谁也没想过,汽车会成为进入千家万户的寻常物。更想不到,百度这样的中国互联网厂商会让欧美汽车巨头们争相握手。 7月25日,在中德两国合作升级背景下,百度与奔驰母公司戴姆勒签约合作。而在十几天前,和百度Apollo牵手的是戴姆勒的德国兄弟宝马。 在自动驾驶和车联网这件事上,德国汽车ABB三巨头(奥迪、宝马、奔驰)中没被纳入百度版图的,只剩奥迪。 如安卓一般的Apollo 如果你把目光从巴伐利亚高原移过英伦海峡,会发现百度Apollo的“势力范围”...

Film good prevails over evil, clark lee returned to Beijing from the United States, the United States adoptive father heng, the doctor is driving that old car to take him back to the antique courtyard. Obviously, this is then some Beijing upper social life. Who didn't want to, the car will become into the homes of ordinary matter. More surprisingly, baidu such Chinese Internet vendors will let the European and American auto giants are scrambling to shake hands. On July 25, in the context of sino-german cooperation between the two countries, upgrade, baidu and mercedes-benz parent Daimler signed a cooperation. And in 10 days ago, and baidu is Apollo in hand Daimler's brothers BMW in Germany. In automatic car driving and networking, ABB three giant German car (audi, BMW and Mercedes) is not included in baidu map, with only the audi. Like the android Apollo if you move the eye from Bavaria plateau channel, will find baidu Apollo "spheres of influence"...