新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林斌直指小米9手机缺货本质:内部流程和管理缺乏经验造成


Lin bin pointed to Xiaomi 9 mobile phone out of stock essence: internal process and management lack of experience caused

2019-03-09 16:38:23来源: IT之家

IT之家3月9日消息 今天小米总裁林斌在微博上表示,小米还有很多地方做得不好,包括现在大家吐槽比较多的缺货,本质上还是小米在内部的流程和管理上缺乏经验造成的。所以年前启动了周末内部培训会,供主管们学习和交流。林斌的这一番话直指目前小米9等新品手机的缺货内部管理根由。通过周末内部培训会,各业务主管认真学习先进的流程和管理经验,希望能逐步提升团队的核心能力。另外林斌还不忘调侃,“培训会后我马上回去继续拧螺丝。”雷军转发表示,小米进入了创业的第二阶段,全面提升系统性管理能力和增强干部个人的能力,都是小米当务之急。近日,雷军解释了小米9产能不足的部分原因——相机模组良率过低。为了提升产能,3月3日,雷...

IT House March 9 News today Xiaomi President Lin Bin said on Twitter, Xiaomi still has a lot of places to do not do well, including now everyone spit more out of stock, in essence, Xiaomi in the internal process and management of the lack of experience caused. So a weekend of in-house training sessions was launched years ago for supervisors to learn and communicate. Lin bin this words directly to the current Xiaomi 9 and other new mobile phone out of stock internal management root. Through the weekend internal training meeting, the business executives carefully learn advanced process and management experience, hoping to gradually enhance the core competencies of the team. In addition, Lin bin not forget to poke fun, "after the training session I immediately go back to screw." "Lei June forwarding said that Xiaomi entered the second stage of entrepreneurship, the overall improvement of systematic management capacity and enhance the ability of individual cadres, is a top priority for Xiaomi. Recently, Lei June explained that Xiaomi 9 capacity is insufficient part of the reason-the camera module yield is too low. In order to increase production capacity, March 3, Ray ...